MRW (PCL) - Add user to scanner

Canon DX-C3835i

Navigate to, log in as Administrator, password is 1234567

Click “Address Book”


Scroll down and click “Address list One-Touch”

This is the part that confused me. There is no option to create a new entry. You have to click the drop down box and select the next set of numbers and click “display” until you see an available spot on the list. This is labeled as “not registered”


Click where it says “not registered” to start filling out a new entry.


I will fill out Helen’s scan entry for example.

Select “file” from the dropdown box and click “set”.

Fill out name and one touch button name as the user’s first name.

Protocol should be Windows (SMB). Hostname is Pecos.

Click “settings”


Fill out the file path like the example below: public\$SCANS\[user scan folder]

Username: oce

Password: OCEscanning


Click “Ok”, test to see if scanning is successful.